Computer security is one of the most challenging areas for the home user because they don't understand the details of keeping their computer safe. Sure, everyone knows they need antivirus software and a firewall. But not everyone knows the importance of keeping it updated, or the fact that most antivirus programs will not stop a spyware attack. Another problem with antivirus programs is that no single program finds it all. I will typically scan a computer with three different antivirus/spyware programs to find everything.
Anti-virus is the the most important piece of software you can have on your computer. With the increased popularity of the Internet came an increase in the popularity of viruses. Today's virus makers have become more sophisticated in there attacks. Don't think just because you don't open email attachments you won't get a virus. You can also get a virus from from visiting a website. Someone can break into your computer (hack) and place a virus or a trojan horse inside your computer. A trojan horse can steal your personal information, passwords, credit card, and even banking information.
Spyware is typically bundled inside of freeware or shareware programs that can be downloaded from the Internet. You can also get infected by visiting a rouge website which in turn uploads an attack without your knowledge. Spyware is potentially dangerous because it can record your keystrokes, passwords, banking, and other private information. Compuaid understands these issues and is able to remove these problems and help you continue to keep your computer protected.
Firewall is another critical component of computer security. The software version (like Norton and McAfee) of a firewall monitor the traffic going in and out of your computer. These types of firewalls are ''learning'' type firewalls that can detect when an unknown application is trying to access the Internet. These ''unknown applications'' can be rouge software attempting to send your passwords, bank accounts, credit cards to some thief living in some other country. In this case, your firewall will be your last line of protection and you better know what to do if you firewall prompts you. A little tip here, if your firewall pops up and asks you if you want to let [] access the internet then you need to know what it is and what it does before you click yes (i.e. Google it!)
Microsoft Windows Critical Updates is another integral part of keeping your computer secure. Microsoft continuously issues updates to resolve security problems with Windows and other applications like Office, Word, Outlook, and Excel. These updates should always be installed in order to keep your computer secure from hackers. Fortunately Microsoft turns this feature on by default but it is always a good idea to periodically check for yourself. I've seen several instances of where the updates had been failing for months but the owner had no clue!!